I’m Christopher wecks…

…owner of Abound Services.  I’m here to assist California Regional Center clients and their families with Independent Facilitation (IF) as they navigate planning their day, week, year, and life.

We offer Person Centered Planning (PCP), Individualized Program Plan (IPP) support, Special Ed. advocacy, institutional advocacy (such as Medi-Cal, IHSS, and Social Security), Community Support&Services finding, and more.

Advocacy in your budget

In Self-Determination, full service advocacy in Special-ed and other agencies can be paid for with your Regional Center Spending Plan.

Self-Determination is here!

We can assist you through the process as much or as little as you want.  We focus on strategic planning that brings Regional Center services to your vision

I’m Alissa Haggis…

…I am a parent of two SDP participants, and co-owner of Abound Services with Chris Wecks.  As a lover of art, I like to work visuals into Person Centered Plans, especially if the participant is an art-lover or visual learner.


My home Regional Center is ELARC, but I take clients across the state.

We offer Person Centered Planning (PCP), Individualized Program Plan (IPP) support, Special Ed. advocacy, institutional advocacy (such as Medi-Cal, IHSS, and Social Security), Community Support&Services finding, and more.

Advocacy in your budget

In Self-Determination, full service advocacy in Special-ed and other agencies can be paid for with your Regional Center Spending Plan.

Self-Determination is here!

We can assist you through the process as much or as little as you want.  We focus on strategic planning that brings Regional Center services to your vision

Let’s put on paper your best future, and then GO GET IT!

Self-Determination can transform how you think about the future

Whether you are a Regional Center client or a close family/decision maker, you may have resigned yourself to what public services will ultimately be able to help make happen.  But the Lanterman Act was written to be so much more than that.

You are supposed to drive the process, because it's about your wants and needs

Restrictions about vendors are not legal reasons to hinder your rights under Lanterman Act

Self-Determination puts you back in the driver's seat

Want to be an artist? Start a business? Find a job? Travel? Let's do it.

Freedom = Responsibility. Self-Determination is a lot of work. But we can help, without out-of-pocket expenses.

Fill out our interest form for more info. on how to get started

Goal Setting

Regular coffee shop visits, making friends, or traveling around the world…all these can be in your Person Centered Plan.

IPP Budget Advocacy

You have a limited budget, but that budget is based on current needs .  We can advocate for the budget that you need.

Payer of Last Resort means everyone else has to pay...

The challenge of advocating for other services remains in Self-determination, but our background in advocacy in help!

Scuba Diving Instructors for folks with Cerebral Palsy?

If it’s out there, and in your Person Centered Plan, we’ll find it.

About Me

I am the parent of a brain tumor survivor.  My 10 year old daughter’s cancer thrust me into the world of special needs, and along with that, the world of Medi-Cal, Social Security, IHSS, Special-Ed, and so forth.

I’ve spent these last 10 years advocating for my daughter and the children of other families new to this path.  I now help families in multiple agencies, including Regional Center families.

In the last year, I’ve been formally trained with the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) to be an Independent Facilitator for Regional Center families moving over to Self-Determination.

Online Resources

Disability Rights CA

A fantastic resource for researching topics across the disability spectrum

State Council on Developmental Disabilities

The SCDD contains meeting notes and opportunities to get involved in the Self-Determination program’s structure

Department of Developmental Services

The DDS is responsible for implementing a plan to serve all individuals with developmental disabilities.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!